Our Services

Current Certifications Available

We offer Initial training or Renewal all certified through the American Heart Association

Heart Saver CPR,First Aid, and AED.

This class is designed for non-health care professionals, like teachers, business environments, construction workers, law enforcement, search and rescue, or lifeguards. This class teaches you the fundamentals of high quality CPR skills on adults, children, and infants. In addition to CPR students will learn how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) and provide aid to choking victims. The first aid modules include bleeding control, trauma injuries, and environmental emergencies.  This course is designed to meet OSHA requirements.

Basic Life Support (BLS)

Basic Life Support is designed for Health Care professionals. This class is considered the foundation of care during and after Cardiac Arrest. This class teaches CPR, AED usage as well as the use of Bag Valve Mask breathing devices for Adult, pediatrics, and Infants. This is a 2 year certification through American Heart Association. We offer both initial training and re-certification.

Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

This class is designed for Emergency and Pediatric Specialists. In this class you will build on the skills learned in BLS but expand to include the use of a systematic approach including: initial, primary and secondary assessments to identify pediatric medical emergencies. Students will lead simulated mega codes to include the use of emergency treatments and medications to treat these emergencies.

Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)

This class is designed for Emergency, Critical care, and cardiac Specialists. In this class you will build on the skills learned in BLS but expand to include the use of a systematic approach including: initial, primary and secondary assessments to identify Adult medical emergencies. Students will lead simulated mega codes to include the use of emergency treatments and medications to treat these emergencies.

Stop The Bleed

This is a U.S. Department of Defense designed class that focuses on emergency hemorrhage control and the control of severe bleeding. This is a great course for people with who work in Law Enforcement, Construction, or around heavy equipment that have a higher risk of traumatic injuries. This class was designed, implemented, and proven to be effective by the US Armed forces.


For Limited Customers we also offer consultation service, which includes equipment and training recommendations based on your individual organizational needs.

Coming Soon

Babysitter First Aid, CPR, AED

The American Red Cross Babysitters training course is designed for 11-16 year olds. This class teaches skills necessary to provide care safely and responsibly for children and infants. They will be taught several modules: babysitting business skills, childcare skills of diapering, feeding children, bottle-feeding an infant. During the in person class the students will learn and practice first aid skills, CPR, abdominal thrusts and the use of an AED.

Qualified Medication Administration (QMAP)

This Course is designed for Certified Nurse Aids, EMT’s and caregivers. This class will teach you the necessary skills and knowledge to safely administer medications to others. This class will include the required education, test preparation, testing and certification fees to be a Verified QMAP in the state of Colorado.

Ready to Get Certified?